Sunday, May 07, 2006

Week 2 Sunday

May 7, 2006

  • Ran (shorter) Lakefront Path
  • Took the kids to Library and play at Children's Garden

Started at 8p
~4 miles, 30:00 mins (07:30/mile)

Course condition:

How I felt:
(the 5-point scale)
  • Physically 4
  • Mentally 4
  • About my nutrition 3
  • About my sleep 4

How hard did I work? 6
(the 10-point scale)

Note and reflections:
A warmer day than yesterday can sum up for a perfect weather today. Though I have to cook and do house cleaning, I sneak out to take the kids to library and let them play at Children's Garden. Lovely walk with the kids. Eric and Kimmy enjoy rolling down hill, the monkey bar and the earths (metal earth, water earth, culture earth, etc..) in the garden a lot. I sit and watch them play happily as kids can do. Along a dirt path to spiral playground, there are plaques with names of cities located on the same latitude and longitude as Chicago.

After come back, I cannot resist to stay in and do cooking. I go out for a short run, which is very nice. Nice nice run! Well, somehow, it makes me think that all that time outside, I do not sneeze or cough at all, but just I get into the room, they are coming. Maybe I am allergic to indoor? or my room is too dirty? I believe it is the former.


  1. you are such a sweet daddy!
    ps. I am looking forward to seeing some photos from yesterday (May 6th)

  2. See a photo.... It is updated. Thanks!
