Thursday, November 06, 2008

flat tire, after a month


Walking out of the door to find the rear tire was out of air, I was puzzled how this happened because last night both tires were fine. Planing to get it fixed at the bike shop right by my apartment, I found that the store was still closed. Luckily, I could talk to the ownder of the nearby motorbike shop to get the tire pumped. The tire was inflated, and I could bike to the office (I was wondering whether someone deflated my tire or not). At the end of the evening, I found that the tire deflated a bit, so I decided to get it fixed at my regular Giant Store on Academia Rd., Sec. 1. The boy told me that the tire might have "a very very thin puncher," and it had to be changed. I did: $200 for this month spent on the tire after last month puncher!

At the store, I also found a guy working as a SongShan Airport security guard who often biked to work in very clear days.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Rest Period after Taroko Half

Just a short break from running; Strength and Stretch training still effective.

Note and reflections:
Running downhill may place stress on my knees, so I decide to stop running for awhile and just do a light stretch and strength trainings. I have been feeling a bit hurt around the right knee.

"Hello Chicago!!" Obama won the US election for the President this year. Welcome him and hope for a better.

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