Monday, October 29, 2007

Van Wedding & San Francisco Trip


Celebrating Van's wedding in LA, meeting up with Jeng in Thaitown, visiting P' Tee&P' Por and Chalee in Santa Babara and visiting Tae, Non and P' TK in San Francisco.


Congratulations, Julian & Van!
Polar bears: Matt, Van and I.

A magician (me!) at Van's receiption.

P' Por, Chalee and P' Nong in Santa Babara.

Chalee, P' Nong and I in Santa Babara.

On a tour of UC Berkley Campus by Tae.

Tae on his campus.

Black bear killing a polar bear?!

Mini needs a check. Overheated.

Non was with Tae and me on the tour to Mini Service Center.

The Golden Gate

Tae and I on the twin!

Tae and Non

I on my SF Bike tour!

The Golden Gate in the background!

The bike and me on the Golden Gate.

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