Saturday, January 17, 2009

After Marathon: Recovery Week 1

Week 1 of Recovery schedule

(only for Saturday course)
Course condition:
Date: 01/17/2009
Start Time:
End Time:
Time Taken:
HuShi Park and beyound
Total Distance:
3.50 mi.
401 (kcal)
Pace: 11:45 (avg)
5.1 (mi/hr) (avg)

How I felt:

(the 5-point scale)
Physically 4
Mentally 4
About my nutrition 4
About my sleep 3

How hard did I work?
(the 10-point scale) 5

Note and reflections:
Decided to follow 4-week recovery program with Hal Higdon (2 weeks delayed.. eieiei), I planed to follow it closely. I did two runs on treadmill inside but the other two runs outside. The TM runs were usual and followed by a set of strength training. For the last two outside runs, Thursday run on Tai Chi statue route, while Saturday run was on a new route.

I ran alone up HuShi Park, where graves of many former Academicians, including Professor Hu, were elected. The path is relatively well marked and taken care of for the first kilometer or so (only 250 meters in the park at 1-2% climb), while the next 1 kilometer section ascents up into the hill and is not well marked at all. The trees are covered my head making it relatively cool; however, I ran up 6-8% climb, making my body relatively warm. The sun was getting down on the West ridge on the other side of the river. I could not see Taipei 101, though. I was hearing students playing sport below in the field of JuZhuang Elementary School. Leaving the voices behind, I climbed up to the first peak of the hill, where a tower of electricity line was located. I ran pass this tower following the less well paved path up to the second peak; After this point on the path descends sharply (9-11%) on an unmaintained path (just dirt).

At this point where I only can hear the sound of cars on the highway nearby, I felt that I should have brought a cellphone with me... I continued running down seeing a gate of probably a temple. where on the left side of the gate is a path leading to a house or something. I continued running towards that place, and it is really a temple but no one else was there at all. Now, I came out to a civilization again. Wheeew... Good for me. I continued running down from the hill among the temple buildings and came down to Academia Rd. Section 2. From now on, I knew where I was and continued my way along my well-known-along-the-river route. I followed that route to compete ~ 5.6 kilometers at Tai Chi statue, which totaled to 41 minutes.

This was a good Saturday run on "the Road Not Taken." [วิ่งไม่หยุด: Week 1. Thursday]

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

cold weather in Thailand

"แม่คะนิ้ง" or "เหมยขาบ" two local names in Thai to describe a phenomenon of frozen dew, a pretty phenomenon but harmful to agricultural products.

Recently, most part of Thailand has been under cold front moving down from China. It has been Bangkok's coldest temperature in the last 50 years (plus the situation was worsen by some rains; now Bangkok weather probably seems like that of Taipei's winter days). Frozen dew has been observed in many parts of hilltop and even happened for the first time in some areas. The beautifulness of the phenomenon has drawn many visitors but made severe damages to crops. Fellow runners in Thailand have also experienced a hard time to get out of their house for a run, I heard. But I think that they should get out and experience the coldness. I have been running in a cold weather in Taipei for several days. :D (I also did several cold-day run back in Chicago. I do miss those runs!) You know what, some people do running in a deep snow!!

There is a technique that we, people in a tropical climate, should take before heading out of the house... If you feel too cold, you should wear more layers, gloves and hat. However, I am sure that after 10 minutes or so, we will be warm up and get some layers off. For me, gloves really help during my cold-day runs. So, do not worry.. it is not in a snow field... so get out and run, folks!

Some headlines from Thai news:

Source: Local - Manager Online
Address :
Date Visited: Wed Jan 14 2009 23:15:18 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

เลย - อุณหภูมิในพื้นที่จังหวัดเลยยังลดลงต่อเนื่อง ล่าสุดบนยอดภูเรือติดลบ 2 องศาเซลเซียส นักท่องเที่ยวแห่กางเต็นท์สัมผัสความหนาวเหน็บและชมปรากฏการณ์ “แม่คะนิ้ง”

วันที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552 เวลา 17:18:29 น. มติชนออนไลน์

"หนาว"ไทยทุบสถิติหลายพื้นที่ "เขาค้อ"เกิดน้ำค้างแข็งครั้งแรก

"หนาว"ทั้งประเทศทุบสถิติประวัติศาสตร์ กทม.เย็นสุดในรอบ10ปี เผยกว่าจะหมดหน้าหนาวเดือนก.พ. ปลายสัปดาห์นี้ร้อนขึ้นอีก1-2องศา

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gym Membership

  • Stretching & Weighting
  • Ran 3 miles on the 10th
  • Took four days to obtain a gym membership

Note and reflections:

It has taken me four days to get the gym membership for this year (perhaps, because of my stupidity?). It started on the 8th, when I was required to attach two photos even though my employee card will be used at the entrance. This means no card would be produced from these photos as it did last year. The 9th was after 9PM when the accounting was closed. The 10th, I forgot my cellphone number (I usually do not remember the number) and an emergency contact number. How would I know since last year this information was not required and they should have told me since the first time I asked. Finally, today I got it done!

I ran the third time after the marathon.

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Bike to Shenkeng (The first year Anniversary of my Taiwan Stay)

The First Year Anniversary of my stay in Taiwan

Biked to and from Shenkeng, and walked Shenkeng Street.

Stat & Course condition:

Bike to Shenkeng

Date: 01/11/2009
Start Time: 16:55:00
End Time: 17:28:00
Time Taken: 00:33:00
Route: Sinica 2 Shengken
Total Distance: 5.16 mi.
Burned: 143 (kcal)
Laps: 1
Pace: 06:22 (avg)
Speed: 9.38 (mi/hr) (avg)

walk shenkeng

Date: 01/11/2009
Start Time: 17:30:00
End Time: 18:05:00
Time Taken: 00:35:00
Route: ShenKeng St.
Total Distance: 0.44 mi.
Laps: 2
Burned: 76 (kcal)
Workout Weight: 139.0 lbs.
Laps: 2
Pace: 79:31 (avg)
Speed: 0.75 (mi/hr) (avg)

Bike back.
Date: 01/11/2009
Start Time:
End Time:
Time Taken: 00:28:00
Sinica 2 Shengken
Total Distance:
5.16 mi.
143 (kcal)
06:22 (avg)
9.38 (mi/hr) (avg)

How I felt:
(the 5-point scale)
Physically 4
Mentally 5
About my nutrition 4
About my sleep 4.5

How hard did I work? 7
(the 10-point scale)

Note and reflections:
Since the sky was bright and temperature was relatively warm, I decided to ride from the office to Shenkeng (a.k.a. Dieter's Kingdom) in the evening. However, I started rather late (around 4:50 PM). The road climbs up over a mountain with the elevation gain around 210 and 190 meters on Nangang and Shenkeng sides, respectively. Also, the distance on Nangang side is longer than that on Shenkeng about 700 meters. Thus, I spent time climbing up from Nangang longer than from Shenkeng. This is probably one of the reasons that I saw many of riders coming from Shenkeng instead of going from Nangang. Even though the wind was relatively cold, the ride up the hill warmed me up well.

This is the third visit to Shenkeng and the first with my bike [see the story of my first Shenkeng visit: An Adventure on Formosa: Eating shenkeng tofu and visiting Zhinan Temple kick off my Chinese New Year]. I spent about 30-40 minutes walking the old street filled up by a good size crowd. By the time, I prepared to ride back, it was already dark. After dropping a postcard to a mailbox, I biked up to the hill. The moon was very bright and large over the ridge of the mountain--very pretty scene. When I was approaching the top ridge, I saw two fellow riders ahead of me. I said "Ni Hao!," as I biked pass by them. They replied, "Jia Yo!" Then, I just let the bike rolling down hill until I arrived at the office.

It was a good decision to bike out to visit Shenkeng on the first year anniversary day of my stay in Taiwan!

Many people taking a photo in front of this Chicken Restaurant on Shenkeng St.

The full moon viewed from the top of the mountain on my way back from Shenkeng

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