Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Exercise Review

2008 Review

Few steps after the finish line in 2008 ING Taipei International Marathon (credit: Wayne; Thanks to Wayne for capturing the moment.)

My thoughts at the end of the year:

Finishing a full marathon became my history on the morning of December 21st. Now, I can say that I am a marathoner! It was such a proud moment when my feet passing the finish line in front of Taipei City Hall. Achieving this moment from a dormancy at the end of 2007 had taken time and a "mental" decision.

Moving to Taipei was a change that I quickly acclimatized and pushed myself back on exercise routine after relatively inactive months at the end of 2007 (but I had been busy with the move). Leaving this dormancy took me about two weeks for my first run in Taipei (inside the gym [วิ่งไม่หยุด: First Run in Taipei]) and a month after for a run outside [วิ่งไม่หยุด: First time running outside]. Then, my running groove started to kick in. In parallel, biking between office and apartment (~2.35 miles/4.8 km) has been my regular since the first week in the city. I have biked this route in rain or shine: no holidays, except during Typhoon or sickness. My bike and I have gone to almost every part/district of the city. We even journeyed with friends to neighboring towns or mountaintops during our weekend biking tours. In addition to these running and biking activities, I enjoyed walks and hikes with friends as well as strength training and stretching routine.

Running and biking has made me new friends who joined me in these year races, walking and biking trips. It has been great to get some friends to run with me: some started to train for and completed their first race (or even second and third), while some ran for a brief period. I give a special thank to Yu-Hsiang for organizing the races this year. These were the great moments of 2008!

DistanceRecordBrief remark
Nike+ Human Race
10K47:41First 10K race
2008 Taroko Gorge International Marathon (2008 太魯閣國際馬拉松)
Half Marathon1:59:53Ran up & down hill on a beautiful course
2008 ING Taipei International Marathon (2008 ING 台北國際馬拉松)
Full Marathon4:00:51I did it!

Questions considered:
(adapted from Farres, Laura. 2003. The beginning runner's journal.)
  1. What did you learn about yourself over the past year?
    Learned that I had shuffled the training often, that I usually replaced my weekend long run with bike ride (not substitutable) and that I could dug myself out of dormancy in a reasonable time.

  2. What did you learn about your motivation over the past year?
    My motivation has been high most of the time except for a very rainy or stressful day.

  3. What were the main highlights? What were your biggest accomplishments?
    I put my full marathon to be the biggest accomplishment of the year!

  4. What were the factors that contributed to your highlights and accomplishments?
    Frequent runs (but often lacked on long runs).

  5. What were your biggest setbacks?
    I could not stick with the training plan especially the long runs, which are very important for the full marathon training. Another thing was that a small uncomfortable right key after the half race in Taroko [A Rest Period after Taroko Half; 2008 Taroko Gorge International Marathon (2008 太魯閣國際馬拉松)] created a setback for a brief period of time (and hope it is not a persistent one).

  6. What were the factors that contributed to your setbacks? How did you try to overcome them?
    An desire to enjoy weekend bike rides was the most contributing factors to the missed long runs. I was trying to run during the night time, but I could not run for that long because of weather issues (raining or coldness). For the injury, I should have studied and learned how to run downhill. "Advice and study on the race plan should be obtained during the training process! Ask veteran runners!"

  7. What things about yourself do you feel improved over the past year?
    I could estimate and assess my readiness and capability for a race. Importantly, my mental preparation for a "big" race was the most improvement.

  8. What things about yourself do you think still need to work on?
    Keep up with the training program, especially weekend long runs.

  9. What is your vision of yourself now?
    At a full marathon finish line in less than 3 hours and 35 minutes. :D Dream big!!!

Re-evaluate your personal motivation plan

Be able to integrating training routine in my daily life and achieving the above mentioned marathon time.

Handling obstacles
Get some advice and carefully think through for a "good/suitable" solution. Never quite!

Thoughts and feelings
Keep record of these very seriously and everyday!

Social support
"Thank to everyone for supporting so far." But welcome more!! Write down your comments and thoughts, please.

Cues in the environment

--NOT YET DECIDED-- but something nice :D

Maintain the gains
I will continue my running along with other exercises for the coming year. I would like to expand cross training activities, such as hitting squash once in awhile or starting swimming practice. To achieve my goal of finish another marathon within 3 hours and 35 minutes requires a well planed program and "stick-to-the-plan attitude!"

My program goals for the next three months:
Be able to do a short race.

Now prepare yourself to start by setting your action goals for the month ahead.
Keep up with regular running as well as find and plan for a good training schedule and activities.

Short-term action goals:
Start NOW!! The rest period after the marathon race was expired long ago!

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