Sunday, August 20, 2006

Week 17 Sunday - Air&Water Show Run

  • Ran to Air and Water show with Han and P' Lek
  • Lincoln Park Zoo
  • Lunch box from Mello's Carryout on Clark St.

Started 8:30a; reached ~ 11:00a

Course condition: Nice day!!!!

How I felt:
(the 5-point scale)
  • Physically 5
  • Mentally 4
  • About my nutrition 3
  • About my sleep 3

How hard did I work? 6
(the 10-point scale)

Note and reflections:
Lek finally decides to join our run this morning. Han, P' Lek and I start around 8:00a, a half hour after the scheduled start time, running at a slow pace. After passing the first mile post, Han wants to stop for a rest. Along the way to our destination, Han asks for a destination change, not further but nearer one. I always insist to him that the destination will not be changed. I push ahead of them for a distance and wait for them or running back to meet them. If I wait for them, I craps my hands to hear them up. Once, Geoff bikes passing by and sees me doing such an act. Finally, we arrive at our destination around 11a. Crowd fills lakefront parks and beaches from Museum Campus to way up north of North Beach.

Just a minute after the show started, Han asks a way to go back home to cook lunch for his wife. We walke to drop him off at a bus stop in front of the zoo. Then, P' Lek and I walk into the zoo. I want to see polar bears because when I came last time (during a friend visit last winter), I did not see them. After I see the bears (they are very cute; one of then keep showing off swimming for picture shoots from visitors), we decide to find something to eat. First choice is Green Tea (a Japanese restaurant), but it does not open until after 4. So we just keep walking down on Clark to see something to eat. Seeing Mello's Carryout, we pop in and order. Since we have our water bottles, we do not order drinks. However, after a look around I found an ad for a free complimentary drink for a takeout. The boss says that the ad expired but it does not so he gives us the drinks anyway, and rushes to get all the ad from the shelf. Anyhow, we get our drinks. Mello's Carryout is a small (rather unattractive) place, serves American, sandwiches and Greek food and makes these dishes good (also inexpensive).

We walk along to get some freebies at event sponsor showcase area. I am too sleepy after the big lunch... laying down and take a nap. By the time I wake up, it's 4, and time to go home. This year Air&Water Show is a very slow comfortable one. Compared to my previous year runs, this one is the easiest.

*** Han is very determined to run even though he has not run for months. He did it! ***

Some photos from the day

Group snap in front of Buckingham Foutain

P' Lek and I (a Bowdoin water bottle is in my left hand)

P' Lek and Han

Han and I

Han & Chopper

(S)he's showing off!
Polar Bear is my College Mascot