Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Week 1. Tuesday

April 25, 2006

  • Biked to lab
  • Ran in HCFH track. Tung-Hung set the pace for the first 4 laps (0.5 mile), x mins. For the last 8 laps, I finished ~ 6 mins (a bit too fast, though it was only a mile run).
  • Squash with P' Lek for 5 games ~ 1 hr. Good games!
  • Hydration: I am doing pretty well with my water today. I packed ~ 2 liters and finished most of them tonight. I had ~ a liter before going to workout.
  • Weights & Stretching: none.

Running around 8:50p.
~1 miles, 6:00 mins (6:00 mins/mile)

Course condition: HCFH track.

How I felt:
(the 5-point scale)
  • Physically 5
  • Mentally 4
  • About my nutrition 5
  • About my sleep 4

How hard did I work? 7 for squash; 5 for running.
(the 10-point scale)

Note and reflections:
Since it was cold outside (but sunny), I decided to run on HCFH track for tonight before playing squash. After the rain this morning, the temperature has dropped to about 42F but feels-like 34F at around 630p. Also, I presented at the lab meeting and needed to think about what to do next, running in HCFH was a good idea. Just finishing a dinner 45 mins ago, I was still a little full when I went to gym. The run was ok, but I was getting tired quicker than normal. My right shoulder was a bit ache (not really, but I could feel something) from squash.
I had a better sleep than the night before and awaked around 7:30a.

I was a bit stressed for my lab meeting and my research today. I have to think .. think .. think...

1 comment:

  1. Wow~ thanks for sharing your running journal with me. It seems liked you spend lots of time on running and playing squash. I am glad to know that you enjoy exercising. Keep up your exercise and be well!

    I have to think, think, and think for my thesis as well.
